The drum is a key part of a printer, as it is what prepares the paper for printing.
The DR3400 offers a yield of 30,000 pages (at 1 page per job) / 50,000 pages (at 3 pages per job) and is designed to work with 4 toner options: standard (TN3430), long-lasting (TN3380), super long-lasting (TN3512) and ultra long-lasting (TN3520), to suit different printing needs.
Drum for monochrome laser printer.
Remember that Brother laser printers use two consumables: toner and drum. The drum has a longer lifespan than the toner.
- Associated standard toner: TN3430
- DR3400 drum
- Associated long-life toner: TN3480
- Associated super long life toner: TN3512
- Associated ultra long life toner: TN3520
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